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Community Solar – A Hassle-Free Way to Save on Energy Bills

Community Solar installation on the side of a town road

Having solar panels installed on your property is not always feasible. Our Community Solar options enable you to take advantage of this incredible renewable energy source, decreasing your electricity bills while promoting a more sustainable environment.

Benefits of Community Solar

Community Solar provides various benefits, including:

·         Save up to 30% on your electricity costs

·         No money down

·         No alterations to your property

·         Take advantage of clean, renewable energy

Community Solar installation on the side of a town road

Is Community Solar Right for You?

It may be smart to opt for Community Solar for many reasons. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, Community Solar could be the right choice for you.

Are you renting property and paying your own electric bill?

Is your house surrounded by trees or other elements potentially blocking sunlight?

Is your roof too small for sufficient solar panels?

Do you live in a condo or townhouse that will not allow you to go solar?

Does your electric utility agreement disqualify you from receiving New York State or federal tax incentives?

Are you part of a non-profit or religious organization striving to decrease operating costs?



Contact us today to see if Community Solar is the ideal option for you.